Sticky Teams Leadership Learnings from TCI Friend Larry Osborne

October 26, 2010 at 12:22 am Leave a comment

Larry Osborne, pastor of North Coast Church , gave a great presentation today at the “Sticky Teams Conference”. Here are some shorthand notes on leadership lessons Larry has learned (his version of the “dumb tax” he’s already paid that we can all learn from):

1) Winning Teams guard the gate. Losing teams let anyone in. Who are you allowing into leadership roles? Are you compromising on character, people skills, or allowing contentious people in the wrong seats on the bus?

2) Winning teams make unity a priority. Losing teams treat it as an afterthought. (Full disclosure here: I’m a total fan of Larry’s book, The Unity Factor, and have recommended it for years to churches I’ve worked with and spoken to). Friends disagree, acquaintances argue.

3) Winning Teams focus on their mission. Losing teams focus on their successes. We move the bullseye (mission drift) when we are not rightly focused

4) Winning teams focus on empowerment. Losing teams focus on excellence and tenure. Excellence is a strategy to reach the dechurched…not the end itself. Warning signs here: are we giving new folks a chance, do we have an entitlement mentality for long term staff, and are we allowing eagles to soar or are we caging them?

5) Winning teams adapt for the future. Losing teams long for the past. I Corinthians 9:19-23, 24ff. Adaption is not compromise as long as the message is not changed. New wine requires new wineskins.

GREAT day at the Sticky Teams conference. Glad these folks are TCI friends!

Entry filed under: Leadership Helps, Thriving Churches International (TCI).

Thrive North Dakota Highlights! Resources for Thriving Churches & Leadership

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October 2010